Bad efficiency from my trimmer

Hi guys,

When my Husqvarna weed eater was new it seemed to have reasonably good efficiency but this has gradually become worse with time. Any reason behind it?


Hello Melvin,

While it’s normal for engines and pistons to encounter loss in efficiency due to wear and tear over time, I suggest checking the air filter if the loss is too drastic. A clogged air filter can choke the engine and require more power to run.


A lot of heat from weed eater

Hi folks,

My Husqvarna 536LiLX is a great piece of hardware and heavy duty use is simple, but it generates a lot of heat when I use it for longer hours even in cooler temperatures. Is this a cause for concern?


Hello Peter,

First I recommend checking the air vents for dirt that could have built up over time. If these are clean, it’s likely that your unit is fine. Remember that it’s normal for all power tools to exhibit some degree of heating when used for longer periods so unless it gets too hot, don’t worry about it.


Trimmer doesn’t produce enough power

Hello everyone,

I bought my Husqvarna 525 LST last fall, but now it seems to be able to generate as much power as it could when it was new. What’s the reason for this?


Hello Larry,

The most likely cause in my opinion is a faulty carburetor – if your engine is not getting the optimal amount of air and fuel mixture then it will not be able to combust the liquid well enough to produce the necessary amount of power. I recommend checking your air fuel mixture and setting the carburetor on a higher setting to combat this.

Weed eater repeatedly shuts off while trimming

Hello there,

My two year old Husqvarna trimmer starts to keep turning off when I’m trimming it, even though I just completed a comprehensive service. Any ideas what the problem could be?


Hello Joe,

It sounds to me like the air filter needs to be looked at – when I had a dirty filter, it caused my unit to keep turning off too and when I replaced it with a new one the problems went away. If this doesn’t solves your problem then maybe you should check the fuel cap for a clogged vent.

Trouble getting Husqvarna 136LiL to start

Hello there,

My Husqvarna trimmer is just about a year old now and it worked without any niggles for the last 10 months, until it began to get increasingly difficult to get the unit to start up. Is there something behind this that I can fix?


Hi Fred,

It’s important that you ensure the battery has been given enough time to charge – if it’s a gasoline powered trimmer, I would suggest inspecting the air filter and the spark plug as these are often the most common sources for problems to do with starting the unit

White smoke coming from trimmer

Hello folks,

My Husqvarna 430 LS has started to emit clouds of shite smoke whenever I start the unit and it was only recently lubricated a week ago. Any solution to this problem?


Hello Michael,

I have a strong feeling that there are oil spills over the chassis or next to the engine of your trimmer and it is highly likely that this could be the cause for the white smoke. It is not something to worry about, you can just clean the spilled areas with a cloth if you see the smoke again.

128LDX trimmer vibrates too much

Hello guys,

So it’s been almost 3 months since I picked up my trimmer and it’s started to develop an incessant vibration issue. What do I do to fix this, any suggestions? I want to avoid a visit to the dealership, even though its under warranty.


Hi Luis,

I would suggest that you check the length of your cutting line before anything else – because it sounds to me like the length of the line is longer than it needs to be. This could be causing your vibration problem.

Unable to keep trimmer performance at same level

Hi All,
I purchased my 128L weed eater in Jan this year, but now it looks like there’s a serious power problem –
if I try to use the trimmer in areas with thicker vegetation, the power decreases drastically and
sometimes I’m unable to cut the place properly. What could be behind this?

Hi Keith,
Considering that you only have this issue when you try to trim areas that have thicker plants, here’s what
I would suggest – try to shorten the length of line you use while cutting these areas and increasing the
power to the trimmer head. This should allow you to produce more torque without sacrificing power
even when cutting the more demanding sections.